Sharon and Steve Greenberg's Famous Relatives

B. C. Nickelson, Sharon's great grandfather
Autobiography of Major B. C. Nickelson

Samuel A. Goldblith, Steve's uncle
Wikipedia entry
Books by Samuel A. Goldblith
M.I.T. Obituary
The establishment of the Samuel A. Goldblith Career Development Chair at M.I.T.
Director of M.I.T. Industrial Liaison Program 1975-1979
Vice President of United Fruit
Story in And Somebody Gives A Damn! A companion book to Bataan Diary
Groucho Marx connection

Donald Van Greenby, Steve's cousin
Mention in Alpha Epsilon Pi history
Mention in The Tech of Friday, May 2, 1947
Donald Van Greenby Builder of the Year Award to Colby College Alumnus in 2002
Home Builders Association of Massachusetts presents Donald Van Greenby Builder of the Year Award 2007
Lowell High School Alumni Scholarship Fund

Steven S. Greenberg
10 seconds of fame in the New York Times
On the second page of the linked article above, there is the following:
One volunteer built a Wiki for OTB that is compiling information on the backgrounds of the senior staff members of the presidential campaigns.

Steve was a volunteer that did a lot of the technical work on this Wiki. Some part of the above quote may refer to him.

Below is a link to the part of the Wiki where Steve did the most work.

Look at the history tabs on the staff pages of the candidates.

Another 10 seconds on The Huffington Post
Bill Clinton: Hillary's Rainmaker article on The Huffington Post where Steve actually gets a credit by name. Steve also had a chance to speak for a few seconds on the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC. Steve spoke about his experience working on the article.

Charles Jordan, our son-in-law
web Drupal sandbox for his experimentation

Samuel Hoffman, second cousin

The article, Ten Lutchen Fellows Share Research Highlights, on the Boston University web site was sent to me by a proud aunt of one of the recipients.

Samuel Hoffman (ME, EE’12) highlighted his efforts to optimize the design of a “polymorphic zoom” system that improves the optical performance of standard zoom lenses.

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