SSG Software
Table Of Contents
- Introduction
Software Development Methods
Software Development Tools
Software Patents
Software Projects
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SSG Software promotes excellence in computer software
development. The company was founded by, and its CEO is, Steven
S. Greenberg.
Page maintained by Steven
Greenberg. Last modified
October 24, 2022 18:47:08 EDT (GMT-0400)..
This page has been read 2503 times from 1461 internet addresses.
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Software Development Tools
- Using HTML outlines as part of HIPO and
Integrated Program Design
- demonstration and download
This tool and its predecessors have been used on Steve's many
projects since the 1970s
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Software Development Methods
- Cartoon discovered in 2002 that shows how important it is to choose
good names for program elements.

- Scrum
- An iterative incremental process of software
development commonly used with agile software development.
I first read about it on December 23, 2008. I have not used it, but
it sounds very reasonable.
- Capability Maturity
Model Integration
- A process improvement approach, that wants to provide organizations
with the essential elements of effective process improvement.
When I knew it last, it was the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). It
was a very loose defintion of some measures of software development
maturity. As I progressed from company to company, certainly after my
stay at Analogy, I found the EDA industry mostly oblivious to these
concepts. This is not to say that this progression was a good
- Top-down
and bottom-up design
- The top-down method of software design is the one practiced and
advocated by Steve. The Wikipedia link above compares two methods.
I will try to find a better article comparing the two methods as this
article sets up a strawman definition of top-down design that is not
practical and is hard to defend. I published some words in defense of
top-down design in the article The Relation
Between Top-Down Design and Good Management on my politics blog,
of all places.
I found some slides
from University of California Santa Barbara
that do a little better job than Wikipedia.
Fred Brooks, one of my heroes, has this comment defending
top-down design even in a more modern context.
- Object-Oriented Design
- Steve first tried this technique on a major project using
the C++ programming language when he worked at Analogy, Inc.
This technique worked out quite well. Steve even adapted one
of the predecessors of his outlines in HTML tool to work for
an object-oriented design. He wished that he could have
continued to use object-oriented methods supported by an
object-oriented programming language. However the legacy code
that he found at other companies where he later worked made it
impossible to even consider the technique.
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Software Patents
Steve is the inventor or co-inventor for three software patents.
- Selectively reducing the number of cell evaluations in a hardware
- Scheduling non-integral simulation time for mixed-signal
- Method and apparatus for circuit simulation using
parallel processors including memory arrangements and matrix
decomposition synchronization
- Steven
S. Greenberg Software patents
- The three patents as listed on Patent Genius
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Software Projects
- Design of Web Site(s) for
the Joshua Hyde Public Library and for Friends of the Joshua Hyde Public
- Financial Manager (FinMan) an
eventual Quicken Replacement. It already has some downloads that
may help you replace some Quicken functionality now.
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- There is an interesting article that is relevant to the introduction
of new technology such as outlines in HTML.
- See Leaders
and Laggards: How to Speed Products into the
- MIT Open
Courseware 6.170 Laboratory in Software Engineering
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